Sunday, July 18, 2010

Patio Progress

In my last patio post, you could see a large hole dug in the ground behind my home.

M has enjoyed the pit of dirt.  She likes to jump around in it.  Go figure.

Any excuse to leap!

Anyhoo, here is some of the progress we have made over the past four days.  First, the truck arrived.

He dropped off this:

Let's all sing the song... SAVE BIG MONEY AT MEN-AAAARDS!

For real, we did.  That always makes hubby happy.  Which is important when he is carrying 150 bags of rock and sand around the house.

M was a huge help.  First she held the bags down so they didn't float away.

We couldn't have that now, could we?  Floating bags of sand and rock.  Thanks M!  What would we do without all your help?

We set up our music and drink station.

Then we went to work.  Open bags, dump, rake, level, tamp, level, repeat.

Oh and hold down those dang floating bags... with our neighbor, B.

We did have some AWESOME entertainment this weekend during the building of the patio.

The US Navy Blue Angels were in town for the Dayton Air Show and they flew low right over our house!  It was the coolest thing EVER!

I would love to fly like that, except I would barf all over everything the whole time.

More patio progress to come so stay tuned!

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