Wednesday, August 11, 2010

It's Hot... and I'm done!

So, we're at soccer practice for Lulu Monday evening...

and she's learning drills, skills and such.

Coach Cole is a great coach and a brave soul to take on a group of rambunctious seven year old girls.

It was a bit like herding cats.

Finally during a scrimage, Lulu sits down, then rolls in the grass, in the middle of the field DURING THE GAME, and takes a wee rest.
Coach comes over and says, "What's the matter, Lulu?  There's a game going on!"

Her response:

"It's hot... and I'm done!"

Then the ball hits her and bounces off.

(I'm thinking we need a little work on her game.)

1 comment:

  1. Too funny! I've been a missin' you! So glad you're back!
