Monday, May 31, 2010

Meet Eclipse!

Hello, I'd like to introduce you to our new little friend.  His (or maybe her... I didn't check) name is Eclipse.  Eclipse lives with his other horse and pony friends at Carriage Hill Metropark.

Eclipse is one of the ponies that offers rides on weekends to little kiddos.  My two youngins were anxiously awaiting their turns, with tickets in hand.

Finally, it was time to ride!  Lulu went first.  She always does.  I had Benedryl in my purse -- she's allergic to horses.  The great news is she had no reaction to Eclipse at all!


"Go faster! Go faster!  Is this all you got?"

"Yah!  Move!  Yah!  How much horse-power this thing have anyway?"

Then we have Munchkin....

"Erm, this doesn't look so safe.  Does this horse have a safety belt and airbags?"

"Whoa, whoa, not too fast, slow down... slow, I say!"

"This animal is really, really bouncy.  Oh I'd better hold on for dear life!  Eclipse is just flying around the arena!"

"Phew, I'm glad that's over!  He is pretty cute, though.  Maybe I'll pet him."

This is one of Eclipse's buddies, coming over to check us out!

A great time was had by all!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Who's my little artist? Munchkin is!

Munchkin came home with a lovely letter from her art teacher from school.  She was selected to have a piece of her artwork to be selected for display at our local city offices.

LuLu, Daddy and I all went to see her work on display.  Munchkin couldn't come -- she was in school.  :)
There was lots of lovely artwork on display -- all made by local elementary students from grades K-4.

These African design necklaces were really neat!

I really loved this portrait of George Washington, by Jack.

But of course, my favorite, most favorite piece of artwork was by my lovely daughter.

Here is her daddy studying the art on display.  Such intense concentration!

Have a great week!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Growing Up

Who just passed all of her Pre-K assessments with 100% accuracy?

Who just put on two different color socks with sandals and told me "You can live with it, I know!"?

Who still calls butterflies, "buffalies"?

Who loves and cares for all animals, even though she is allergic to them?

My little LuLu, that's who!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Christmas in May?

At a recent estate sale, I found this box in a garage...

for this much moo-lah...

I lugged it home and digging through the box was just like opening presents on Christmas morning!  Oh what's this? It seems to be an unassuming box of Sylvania mini lights.

NOT!  It was a disguise!

Lookie what was hiding in here! (Note the obvious enthusiasm of my model.)

Hmm, what else mights be lurking in this box?  Well, lots and lots of these...

And another box of these...

This little hitch-hiker was along for the ride:

with his pet "made in Japan" celluloid and shiney silver raindeer

Overall, not a bad haul!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Desk Revamp

Oh, I visited the Goodwill charity shop a month, or so, ago and found a wonderful old desk.
I thought to myself, "Self, you should purchase this and refinish it for little Munchkin, since she now has homework and such!"  Second grade... pressure!

So I did, and wonderful husband went with me to pick up the desk, and brought it home, where it booted the cars out of the garage while it received its makeover.

Well, actually only one car went into the drive,  Mine stayed inside for a little while longer, just until it was time for the paint to come out! :)  I'm such the girl.

So I used this:

and a little elbow grease...

and some rubber gloves and ballet flats...

 to remove grime and find the beauty underneath.

So after some stripping in the garage (bah hah hahahha)

we came up with this...

Then I primed and painted...

Rustoleum, Heritage White, in case you want to know.  Two coats primer, three coats paint, three coats sealer, and voila'!  My latest masterpiece!

Yeah, I'm happy with it.  More importantly, Muchkin LOVES IT!  A great solid-wood piece of furniture that will stay with her for many years to come, rescued and welcomed into our new home!